When Hans Duijf visited the former ICA CafĂ© beneath the Institute of Contemporary Arts in Amsterdam , he immediately sensed the opportunity to realize a long harboured dream: an opera restaurant with long tables where, much like the Italian streetdinners, everyone was free to join. On the menu just pasta: Pasta e Basta. And opera, of course. The staff would sing arias and operas. He requested Peter Korver to create a rich, theatrical ambiance, featuring drapes, marble… and grand ladies. .
The White Dress
Peter Korver | Amsterdam
Inspired by the stylized marble segments of the Sala dei Cavalli frescoes in Mantova , Italy , Korver provided the walls with some twenty squares, marbled in rich, traditional pastel hues. On these he superimposed the drapes and dames in splendid trompe l’oeil fashion. The identities of these rococo clad characters remain undisclosed; one averting her face, her companions headless even. Upon closer inspection the wealth of costumes transpire to be draped across dummies, forming a middle ground between drapes and figure. The missing heads subtly foreshadow the dramatic events to occur in the later 18th century. Korver in this way achieves a beautifully layered interpretation of the given theme: the interior is imbued with the generous presence of grand dames, while simultaneously alluding to the elements of drama and violence inherent in their tales and Opera itself . .
Pasta e Basta | Amsterdam
The Red Dress
Peter Korver | Amsterdam
One of the other painted ladies
in Pasta e Basta
The same cannot be said of Pasta e Basta. The restaurant may count itself as being one of the successes of the late 90’s and has made international furore. To this day it has lost none of its popularity
Pasta e Basta - Rotterdam
Pasta e Basta - Rotterdam
one of it's 38 medaillons
Website. : www.peterkorver.com
For local & international enquiries please contact us at: peterkorver.nl